Who Is This Jesus Who Is Called The Chirst?

MATT. 21:42-46.
MATT. 22:15.
Pharisees plot With Herodians how they might get Jesus to blaspheme.
Pharisees and Herodians fail and walk away.
Sadducees take their turn. They do not believe in the resurrect of the dead.
(A) Try 2 trap W/Question about Resurrection. They fail as well and walk away.
Pharisees return with an expert in the Law of Moses and try again.
MATT. 22:34-40.
(B) Every attempt to trap and discredit Jesus fails. Discredit no one but their selves.
b. Then Jesus turns the heat on them by asks them a question.
(B) Ask you to consider that same Question, What do you think of Christ, Who is He?
(C) You may already have an answer. Ask you to wait a while before answering the question.
c. Look at Scripture and ask, “What do the people who were eye witnesses say Jesus is?
Begin with a Man we would probably reject today.
He has Long hair and is Dressed wrong. He wears camel hair and a big leather belt and lives in the wilderness beyond Jericho.
He eats locust and wild honey. He preaches loudly and condemns hypocrisy.
Who are you? A Jew, a Levite. An angel named me John before I was born.
Do you know a man named Jesus? Yes, we grew up together.
I baptized Him and the Holy Spirit like dove appeared.Now I know that this is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
(B) Next stands a man who is well dressed. A scholar. A Pharisee. A ruler in the synagogue.
A member of the sanhedrin.
They make the rules in Israel. They determine who lives and dies in Israel.
Who are you? Nicodemus. Did you ever know a man named Jesus?
Yes, I’ve known about Him for a long time.
He was the topic of conversation in the council every day. Talk about him for hours.
Did you ever talk to Jesus? I listened to Him teaching.
Did you ever talk with Him personally? One night I went in private. Who do you say Jesus is? He is a teacher come from God.
(C) A third man stands before us. He is dressed in a red robe. A man of great authority.
What do you do? I am a Roman Procurator, I am the law, authority in Palestine.
My name is Pontius Pilate and for 10 years I have ruled over Judea.
Do you know anything about the Jews? They have been a thorn in my side.
What's worst fight? We needed taxes to build an aqueduct into Jerusalem.
(3) Did you ever know a Jew named Jesus? Yes, I gave order to have Him crucified.
You thought Him a Criminal? He deserved death? I did not say that.
If He was Innocent why did you crucify Him? The Jews made me choose between Jesus and Caesar.
(d) Pilate what do you really think about Jesus? He was their king.
2. Now we come to the last person. He wears Roman armor.
Sir who are you? I am a Centurion. The Roman army is divided into Centuries.
Sir, did you ever know the man named Jesus?

Yes, I was in charge the day the Jews brought Jesus before Pilate.
Yes, I knew Him. I have Known no other man like Him.
(1) The weight of the body on nails paralyze the pectoral nerves. You can inhale all the air you want, but you cannot exhale. So you don’t suffocate you push yourself up with your legs and inhale a few breaths of air before you fall back down into that hanging position again and the cycle repeats itself until you are dead. Sometimes it takes a week for a strong man to die.
(2) I have crucified 100's. I am an expert at putting men to death.
b. But you seem to be bothered by having put Jesus to death. Yes, He was different.
I heard Jesus speak 7 times and they were words of kindness. His concern was for
other people.
(B) Midday turned to night. The earth quaked. Many dead people rose up and walked. The
veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom.
(1) Sir, do you think that happened because of Jesus? Yes, I have no doubts!
(2) Well, what do you think of Jesus? I’ll tell you what I said that day and have told everyone since, Truly this man is and was the Son of God.
B. This hour you have heard the words of a man named John, Nicodemus, Pilate and a nameless
Roman Centurion.
2. With one voice, they have collectively said, Jesus is Lamb of God, a man sent from God.
Now I must ask you the same question. What do you think of Jesus. Answer honestly.
b. Every one here must come to grips with the question, "Who is Jesus?"
2. You can put off answering. But, you will still have to stand before God and give an answer.
2. Each of you needs to look at Jesus. See Him as people in the New Testament saw Him and
do what they did when they truly recognized Him.
b. The success or failure of everyone here depends on their relationship with the Son of God.
(1) Your success or failure in life is not determined by your college degree; your ability as a
rancher or farmer, husband or wife, son or daughter, teacher or business man. Only by
hour relationship with Jesus.
(2) Success or failure of this congregation will NOT be determined by your relationship with your preacher, social standing in the community or your bank account. Your success or failure based solely on the relationship of each individual member with Jesus.
(3) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 2/25 /2001 am