When The Mountains Won't Move

A. MATT. 17:14-20.
1. A man tells Jesus that he asked the Apostles to heal Son. They tried, but they could not.
a. Asked Jesus and He did. Apostles say, “We tried.” Ask Jesus, “Why couldn't we?
(1) Jesus said, Not the person being healed.
(B) VS. 20.
(1) How many sermons you heard on faith? Faith as small as a mustard seed.
(2) The kind of faith that can move mountain from one place to another.
b. Bible filled with examples of mountain moving faith that overcomes obstacles
(A) HEB. 11:7, Build Ark. People laughed, mocked
(B) Faith has always moved a mountain of obstacles, hindrances and discouragement
(1) HEB. 11:11-12. Not humanly possible to bear a child
(2) But for Abraham, faith moved the mountain of human impossibilities.
2. Open Bible and read 100's of stories of mountain moving faith.
a. In DAN. 6, Faith that closed the mouth lions. I SAM. 17 slew Goliath.
b. 2 KGS. 5, healed a man’s Leprosy. 2 KGS. 19, Slew 185,000 at Hezikiah’s prayer.
c. Not just learn that in scripture. Seen in your own Lives and the lives of others
3. That same mountain moving faith has been experienced in your own lives as well.
3. Stop, remember obstacles, as big as mountains that challenged your faith in times past
b. Obstacles in your life that have been moved by your faith in God.
(A) MATT. 17:20.
(B) I JNO. 5:4.
c. Your faith enabled you to grow to be what you are today. The reason you are here today
2. But, what about those times when the mountain just won’t move?
a. Those times you live by faith, believed in God’s promises, obeyed, prayed.
b. Lived for God, wanted mountains to move (things to change). But, they would not!
b. I don't know what your mountain is. It could be a number of things
(A) Health problem, marriage, children, finances.
(B) You’re still praying, obeying and the mountain just won't move. You’re Struggling!
(C) Maybe the mountain is not moving as quickly as you want it to. Not Moving at All.
3. Easy to be discouraged. Ask, "Isn't God watching, doesn't He care, will He ever help?"
a. Maybe you don't doubt God. Doubt your self. Doubt your faith. "Maybe I'm the problem"
b. Maybe the fault is those who teach, preach each week.
c. Tell about great, wonderful faith that moves mountains and forget the other side of the story.
d. Christian life like magic carpet ride. God answer every prayer. No problems in Christianity.
B. Bible also tells us that faith can be very dangerous or life threatening, HEB.11:23.
1. Pharoah began to kill babies. Floated on the Nile River. Reared by Pharoah’s daughter.
1. If Pharoah knew he would kill them all. Faith put their lives in peril.
2. Yes, faith can move mountains, but it can also be very dangerous, hazardous to health your.
2. Fath can also be very inconvenient. That truth will turn a lot of people off. Do you know why?
a. We are a society oriented to convenience. We want everything easy and convenient
b. Want life to be one big convenience store. Open 24 hours so we can get what we want.
(A) Faith can cause heartache, inconvenience and pain.
(B) Life is not always a bed of Roses. God warns us. HEB.11:32-38.

(C) Be times when faith is dangerous, inconvenient, hard and the only thing left is your faith.

(1) Your faith is the only thing that will bring you through it all, and bring you salvation.
(2) Faith may or may not move the mountain you face this hour.
(1) But I want you to know what your faith will do.
(2) Faith will always save your soul. Only thing that put you in the arms of Jesus.
(3) Faith will cause you to be especially noticed and loved by God.
(4) HEB.11:38.
(D) When you belong to God the whole world is not worthy of a person like you.
(1) Live by faith, and do it regardless of the mountains you face in this life.
(2) Hear and be encouraged by the words of the prophet.
HABB. 3:17-18.
(a) Habbakkuk faced mountains that would not move. He was destitute, had no
figs, olives, grapes, grain, sheep, cattle.
(b) His life was in shambles, hard and difficult. "Still I will rejoice in God."
(c) God calls you to have great faith like that. The Kind of faith, that sometimes
moves mountains. And at other times must endure, but never gives up.
(4) ACTS 20:32.

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