When Infidelity Fashions Faith

A. A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Today, many people’s beliefs are
forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many just do not realize how much liberalism has shaped
their approach to the Bible.
Our faith must not be formulated by the beliefs of other people in the world around us. Do that and you’ll end up believing just about anything except the truth.
a. True faith in God grows out of a rich companionship with God’s Word. Genuine faith is
forged by the instruction from the Scriptures, Rom. 10:17.
(A) Today, Most people do not get their faith that way.
(1) Yet, most people want to “believe” in something sacred.
(a) Most of the time they want a religious system of their own creation – one
which suits their fancy of the way things “ought” to be – in their judgment.
That’s always been the malignancy of religious modernism. They dare not “believe” in the miracles of the Bible because miracles are alien to modern experiences. And on that basis, reject the supernatural works of the Bible.
2. Modern man rejects the supernatural miracles of the Bible. After all, one’s thinking must shaped by today’s modern science—Not mythology.
(1) One dare not believe, Ps. 19:1.
(2) Modern, educated people do not believe Gen.1:1; Heb. 11:3.
(3) What about denying 1 Cor. 15:3?4.
This approach to the Bible is absolutely reprehensible. Yet, it is often taught in theological seminaries that train denominational preachers.
(1) Methodist preacher in Glasgow, Montana considered the concept of the virgin birth to be mythical. Jesus did not really die, He just passed out and the coolness of the sealed tomb caused Him to be revived.
(2) Used the same liberal logic to teach people that they did not have to be immersed when they were baptized. Sprinkling is just as good immersion. Water is water and how you apply it is of no consequence.
3. What was so astonishing was how well-meaning believers unwittingly accepted this and by doing so allowed skeptics to “forge their faith” for them.
(1) By doing so they slowly and surely had their faith watered down and weakened to the point that they didn’t know who God was or what He would or would not do for them.
To often well?meaning believers have unwittingly allowed skeptics to “forge their faith”
for them. And then entered eternity believing they did God’s will.
(2) Faith became no faith at all. A total rejection of Heb. 11: 6.
(3) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 12/02/2001 pm