What Is Important?

"WHY ARE YOU?" Isn’t, "Why are you?” a deeper question than “How are you?”
A. "How?" asks about the physical. "Why?" is more searching than "How?”
The reason behind the what is of greater significance than the thing being done.
a. We should address our self to the "Why’s" of Life. That takes more courage.
(A) "How are you?" “I have a good salary, car, house, health, social standing, prestige.”
(1) Those are without substance unless the "Why" is worth it and the same applies
to the "What."
(a) If the cause does not back up the what in which your life is engaged, you are
just spinning your wheels.
The most important question is "Why are you a Christian?" Why do you pray, attend services, give back to God what He has graciously provided?
(2) God addresses Himself to the “Why?” The motivation, the reason.
MARK 12:30.
God wants your heart, soul and mind...All that you have and all you are.
What you do is of no worth if you do it for the wrong reasons. The gift with out the giver is bare.
LK. 21:1-3. The greatest gift came from the one who gave the least with the greatest motivation.
(B) Why do you serve God? Why are you here? Why do you go through the motions?
Because you fear God? Afraid of Hell? Do you attend the services because you fear you’ll be punished if you don’t?
(1) “I've got to because that's what Christians do.” Do you give because you feel that you have a meritorious obligation?
(2) If those are the reasons, you fall short of the only motivation that will make you a Godly person with power. You have missed it all.
(2) Does your child obey you because they fear punishment or hope for a reward?
(a) If so, they will never grow to a mature understanding of the "Whys" of life.
(b) You want them to understand why they are expected to do certain things.
(3) You want the rules of conduct to reach into their soul because that’s the only way
It becomes meaningful to them.
Otherwise they only go through the motions. And they will violate the rules every chance they get.
Some people never did get it. They are to concerned with life to live for God.
We are supposed to be different. It’s the difference between flesh and stone.
b. JERE.31:31-34, That Scripture is the theme of salvation. It reveals the essence of what
God wants from you.
(A) The Law of Moses was written on stone. Stone has no power to change. You can
observe the letter of law and still be a person who is mean, petty and spiteful. You will
observe the law as long as you think you’re being watched and forced to do so. But, in
your heart you will hate and Gripe about it.
(1) If think you think you can ignore it and get away with not doing it, you’ll do it. That’s
what the Jews in the Old Testament did and that’s why they ended up in the
wilderness, Babylon, and Assyria.
(a) That’s the same attitude that destroyed some Christians in ACTS 5:1-11.
(b) God wants it written on your heart. But, that will not happen until you
understand and love God more than they did. MATT. 5:20.

(c) School Zone story. You love and obey a law from the heart when you
understand the good it brings to your life and to others.
(d) There’s only one power that can do that. Paul describes it in, 2 COR.5:14.
(2) LK.10:27.
(a) No other motivation counts....1 COR. 13:1-3, says, "You’re a noisy wind bag.”
It’s a terrible thing to live in way where your duty and desire clash. An inward
civil war that fills you with misery. It causes you to do things for the wrong
You have money in the bank, yet give miserly. You only attend services out of obligation. Control your wrong desires because you’re afraid that if you don't,
You'll go to hell. That will never engender love in your heart.
That can only make you old and bitter. That’s a miserable, wretched, useless
way to live for Jesus.
“WHY?” is a frightening question. Why are you doing what you do? And it raises
another important question. If I keep on doing it will I be lost? That’s a question we all
need to ask.
Circus story of a man in the midway side show who was swallowing 12 golf balls and regurgitating them back up. That was his contribution to life. Is what you’re doing in life more significant than that?
(1) How much of your life is as worthless as swallowing and then urping up 12 golf balls.
(2) I JNO.2:17. Nothing in this world is worth losing your soul over.
(1) Have the courage to ask questions about your motivation and the value of
what you are doing.
(b) If the ‘Why” and the “What” are not right, you have the obligation to ask, "Why they are not?" And then make what ever changes are necessary.
2. It begins by making commitment to God. Give Him what you’ve denied Him all these years.
1. Have the courage to face the failures and problems in your own life and in this congregation.
(1) Face them squarely. Meet them head on and do what is right. What is right?
(2) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength and love your
neighbor as your self.” That means to Love God with All there is of you.
(3) It means you put God first in your Life. Love each other as much as you love your self. There can be no exceptions to that.
2. Will you do that? If so, this congregation will be what God wants it to be. It will be strong, effective and holy. It will have a mighty influence in this community.
(1) Will you make that commitment? Make it for real and stick with it?
(2) ACTS 20:32.

Spur - 09/02/2001 pm