The Victory Of The Cross 07
Jno. 19:30

A. In the Greek one word announces the victory of the cross. TELELESTAI “It Is done.”
Since that word was spoken, sinners have a hope that never fades. “He was wounded for our transgressions” and it was done, it is finished. Salvation is a completed act.
1. Rom. 8:1, proclaims, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ
Jesus.” It is done and no power in all creation can condemn us as we stand beneath the
cross of Christ. That’s the Gospel. The greatest message to fall on human ear.
(1) “It is finished.” Not a cry of defeat, but a shout of victory. A shout that shakes the foundations of hell, breaks the chains of death, showers the earth with the sweet smell of salvation’s freedom from sin.
(1) “It is finished” Proclaims that Jesus did what no other human could ever do, save one soul. For centuries men of every race, culture have tried and failed.
(1) Aztecs sacrificed virgins, Penetennys in New Mexico crucified men every year, the Dervishes of Islam cut off hands and feet. All this in an attempt to cleanse and atone for sin. Never once were they successful.
(2) “It is finished.” With these words Jesus proclaims, that in His death,
salvation is an accomplished fact. Then proved that claim by His
resurrection from the dead on the third day.
(2) “It is finished” and Jesus solves man’s greatest problem.
(1) The problem of guilt and the burden and condemnation of sin.
(2) Taken away the penalty, guilt, judgment, power, sentence of eternal condemnation for our sin.
(2) “It is finished.” Tells us Jesus has fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies.
(1) Jno. 19:28?29. That scripture fulfilled the prophecy of Ps. 69:21. Matt. 27:34, says that’s what they gave Jesus to drink but He refused to drink. Died thirsty so we might never thirst.
(1) Ps. 34:20; Jno. 19:33?35.
(2) That is significant because of the Old Testament scriptures that are fulfilled in the circumstances of Jesus’ death.
(2) What Jesus is doing on the cross is the completion of what God began in the Passover feast at the Exodus. Israel was in bondage and that bondage was symbolic of sin, the worst kind of bondage. It was a foreshadow of what God was going to do for all of mankind who were held in the bondage of sin.
(1) On the night before their freedom God told the Jews to slay a perfect lamb called the Passover Lamb. Blood was brushed on the outside of the door.
When the death angel passed by the first born of that house they did not die.
(2) That first born was free from the penalty of God’s avenging angel. They were saved, as it were, by the death of an innocent lamb whose blood was shed for them Exod. 12:46, they were commanded, “You shall break none of its bones.”
(3) 1 Cor. 5:7, “Jesus is our Passover Lamb.” As our true Passover Lamb Jesus died and shed His blood for our sins and not one of His bones was broken.
(1) When Jesus came to the river Jordan to be baptized, John saw Him coming and Jno. 1:29, shouted, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” The symbolism and prophetic salvation announced in the Old Testament Passover Lamb is fulfilled, in it’s entirety, in Jesus.

(2) The Old Testament prophesied, thousands of years before, how this Passover Lamb would die. Zech. 12:10-11; Ps. 22:16.
2. How could scripture prophecy a thousand years before hand that Messiah would die this way? God knew before hand. That proves the inspiration of scripture. That gives you absolute reasons to believe in God and His Word.
(1) Gal. 4:4-7. God knew beforehand when men would do the things that would fulfill His prophetic word. Knew the Romans would execute men on crosses.
(1) Were three men crucified. Only broke the legs of two. Not Jesus.
(2) Why? Paralyze Pectoral Nerves. Break legs to suffocate. Jesus was already dead.
(2) Pierced side and out came blood mingled with water. Plasmosis is proof of death.
(1) Why did the soldiers do exactly as scripture fore told? New nothing of prophecy. Not even believe in God. How was all this fulfilled?
(2) There is only one answer. We see the finger of God moving in the history and affairs of mankind, pointing to Jesus as the Messiah, Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
(1) It is true, it is finished, “Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
(2) What was written in Acts 4:12, is absolutely and all together true.
(3) In Jno. 14:6. If Jesus said it. Believe it, Obey it and you’ll be saved.
(4) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 12/16/2001 am Bob Martin