The Glorified Resurrection of the Body
1 Cor. 15:50-53

A. Here is a subject you may have never given much thought. Never taught it in depth.
Speaks of the final transition of the body that will occur at the resurrection. A transition, change that will take place in our body to get us ready to go where no flesh and blood can ever dwell.
a. Understanding what God has in store for every Christian in very important.
(A) Most Christians have no idea of what will happen at the resurrection day.
Three transitions take place in every faithful Christian’s life.
(a) The first one begins at baptism. When you leave the lost condition and become
a born again Christian.
The second is a life-long transition of change. Always repenting toward doing what’s right and repenting from what’s wrong. God calls it growing to spiritual maturity. A constant process of changing into what God wants us to be.
Then one day we will die and after that Jesus will come back to take us home.
Before that happens a Third transition must take place in the physical body.
That’s the one that will take place at the resurrection.
Definition of Resurrection: A dead body coming back to life.
Jno. 11:43-44, “Lazarus’s dead body came back to life.”
Matt. 27:52, At the crucifixion “The dead bodies of saints were raised.” There was a resurrection of dead bodies. That’s what a resurrection is.
Christ’s dead body came back to life and He walked out of the tomb.
Lk. 24:39, Jesus appears to disciples and they fear, They think they are seeing a ghost. Jesus said, “Touch my hands and feet...a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see I have.” They are looking at the body Jesus was born into, the body that was put on the cross and into the tomb. That’s the same body they are looking at now. Nothing has changed. It has just come back to life.
Jno. 20:24-28. Thomas does not believe. What does Jesus say? Vs. 24-25.
Thomas understood what a resurrection was. Jesus died and was resurrected.
Our resurrection will be the same as that of Jesus.
Jno. 5:28-29. Tell me what went into the tomb and I’ll tell you what’s going to come out. Dead bodies. But those bodies have turned to dust.
1 Thess. 4:14-15. This is revelation from God through Paul.
Vs. 16, “The dead in Christ shall rise.” The Dead what? Dead bodies.
Our resurrected bodies will not be any different than the Saints whose bodies arose when Jesus died, or when Lazarus rose from the dead. Those resurrections are no different than when the Lord Himself arose from the dead.
2. 1 Cor. 15:1-11. Paul preached the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus. Vs. 11, “You believed that when I preached it.”
(1) Some had questioned that possibility. Put a dead body in a tomb and in ten years what do you have? Dust, not a body. Their question is how does that happen. They had never seen it. They are like the Athenians in Acts 24:15, “Paul preached the resurrection and they mocked.”
(1) 1 Cor. 15:35. The dead are raised. Dead what? Dead Bodies.
(1) “But someone will say (someone there at church) How are the dead (Dead what? Bodies) raised up and with what body do they come?”
(2) They do not understand and are afraid there’s not going to be a resurrection.

(3) Vs. 3-4. Not challenging Christ’s resurrection. He arose on the 3rd day. His body did not see decay, it did not turn to dust. It may be a long time before the judgment day comes and they don’t understand how they’re going to get a resurrected body out of a body that’s been decayed into a little pile of dust?
(2) That’s the reason for Paul’s discourse, 1 Cor. 15:12-22.
(1) What’s being denied? The power of God. Gen. 2:7. If God can create the body out of the “dust of the ground” He can also Recreate the body from dust.
(2) Jno. 11:39. God restored Lazarus’ decaying body. The power of God did it.
(2) We are Trifid beings. 1 Thess. 5:23. When He comes again what’s going to come out of the tomb? A body. Rev. 20:13. That is God’s promise.
(1) 1 Cor. 15:29. What’s the context? Reminding them about what he had already preached in Vs. 12-17.
(1) Vs. 29. “Otherwise,” That means, “You’ve made an argument and if that’s so, then what will they do that are baptized for the dead?”
(2) If there is no resurrection why were you baptized for the dead (Dead what?).
(3) Rom. 8:10-11. Question? How do you receive the Holy Spirit to dwell in you? “By being baptized into Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.” Acts 2:38.
(2) Acts 24:15, “There will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just & the unjust.”
(1) What’s going to happen to people who are resurrected when Jesus comes and they don’t have the Holy Spirit to give them life? That is a fearful thought.
(2) Why am I baptized? To have my sins forgives so i can receive the Holy Spirit.
(3) Why is that important? So the Spirit can resurrect me bodily with a new glorified body and give me life that is an eternal life. Rom. 8:11. What if you’re resurrected and don’t have the Holy Spirit.
(3) Rom. 8:23.
(1) Jude 9, “Michael the archangel, contended with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses.” That body is precious to God. It will be redeemed.
(2) Die without the Holy Spirit and Satan will torture both your spirit and your body.
(4) Phip. 3:20-21. The body is subject to sin, sickness, pain, death.
(1) One day it will be resurrected, changed and be just like the body Jesus has.
(2) 1 Cor. 15:35-38. Whether it’s the seed of corn or the seed of man, God gives it a body, and then he compares that to us, 42-44, 48-54.
(3) Are you ready for the judgment of the resurrection day?
(4) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 10/07/2001 am