The First Verse In The Bible
GEN. 1:1

A. Many problems are the result of beginning at the wrong place. Building on the wrong
foundation almost always gives bad results.
Our search for truth needs to begin at the right place. Prov. 9:10, tells where that right place is located, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
1. It is no coincidence that the Bible begins where it does. After all, the truth contained in the first verse is the fundamental truth upon which the rest of God’s revelation to mankind depends.
That first truth is fundamental. It says, “God is real.”
(1) And it is an obvious truth. The World exists. It stands where nothing was.
(a) But why is there something rather than nothing? That involves two questions
(1) Who is responsible for the fact that we exist?
(2) Not just childish curiosity, Intellectual interest that prompts this question.
(2) It’s the most practical question man ever asks.
(3) Life is unexplainable if God did not create the world — and we simply cannot
live without a basic explanation for life.
(4) Some modern science assumes that a “what” is responsible for the universe.
But “what” is not really a reasonable alternative.
(3) The fact of our being points toward a personal Creator. Acts 17:24-29;
Jno. 1:1-4.
(5) We are totally dependant on God for our existence, every moment of our lives.
(6) Christ continues to uphold the creation, Heb. 1:3, says. “He sustains all things by his powerful word.” And Heb. 11:1-3, says, “We understand this truth by faith.”
(4) Since this is true, What will be our response to God?
(7) In our world today, the response is “practical atheism.” That’s what Paul speaks about in Rom. 1:20-21, “Many knew God but refused to honor Him as God.” The truth that God made the world has vast implications:
(8) We are accountable to Him, He has authority over us, He will determine our
destiny. How seriously do we deal with these truths on a practical basis
day by day?
2. There is a difference between knowing a thing theoretically and knowing it is true experientially.
God becomes very “real” to us when we lie upon our deathbeds!
(5) Many immerse theirselves in the activities of daily “busy-ness” and pay little attention to the ultimate questions of life. They forget, they ignore God.
(1) Death, however, tends to clear up our perspective on the important realities.
(2) We need to know the truth of Gen. 1:1, to such an extent that it has a real impact on our lives now.
(6) God’s existence is the most obvious fact in the universe. People do not doubt or dispute it because it is not clear or obvious.
(3) Paul wrote that God has manifested Himself in His creation, Rom. 1:19-20.
(4) Isn’t it Ironic that the real problems in life come down to not believing the most obvious truth in the world?
Two things will help keep God real to us.

(7) Spending more time with God’s world. Acts 14:17. Studying about, listening to God talk to you will bring you closer to Him.
(5) We live in a world consumed with things of a material nature and selfish persuite of pleasure.
(6) We need more significant contact with things God has made and less with things man has made.
(8) The first verse in the Bible teaches us that we came from God — it is also true that we will return to God.
(7) God is our origin — He is also our destiny. When we die, our spirits will return to God, Eccl. 12:6-7.
(b) We need to be concerned about the prevalence of atheism in our age and its impact on our children and grandchildren.
2. But what about us? Do we really believe — or merely profess to believe?
2. Our arguments against atheism, evolution will mean very little if our kids do not see us living lives that exhibit genuine belief in God.
(1) Considering our eventual return to God, we ought to live each day in practical recognition of our accountability to Him — we ought to live life for God!
(2) Eccl. 12:13-14, spells it out as clearly as possible, “The whole duty of man — the sum total of what it is to be a human being — is to respect and obey God.”
3. Our principal purpose in life ought to be to please God - 2 Cor. 5:9-10.
(A) Another great and wonderful truth is that the God of our creation is also the God of our salvation.
(B) Have you dealt seriously and honestly with the truth about God?
(C) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 6/24/2001 am