The Confessors Of The Cross 08
Lk. 42-43; Mk. 15:39; Jno. 19:38-40

A. Four men identified themselves with Jesus on the day of His crucifixion. Each presents an interesting and unique story. Two were compelled to witness Christ’s crucifixion from
beginning to the end. The other two were late comers, arriving after His death. But,
before the day was over, they all openly identified themselves with Jesus as confessors of the
The first confessor on Calvary was one of the thieves crucified with Jesus. Jesus was hanged on the cross between two criminals, Lk. 23:39?41.
a. What Jesus did was not done in secret. His teaching, life and miracles were known all
over Israel. He knows, from what he had seen and heard about Jesus, that this man was
not a criminal, not worthy of death.
We know little about the life of this thief. What we do know is that he was a menace to society. Enemy of the Roman Empire, sentenced to die by crucifixion.
(1) He was there against his will. Like Simon of Cyrene he was forcibly put into the presence of Jesus. And as he witnessed all the events of Christ’s crucifixion it changed his life.
(1) Some latent goodness down inside caused him to see past his own agony and see in another human the truth about himself and the reality of who Jesus is.
(2) He recognizes in Jesus that which is from above. Lk. 23:42?43.
(2) Even on the cross, Jesus spoke a message of hope to every human heart. Over in Jno. 12:32, Jesus had said, “If I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.”
(3) And true to His promise in Jno. 6:37, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” And He says to this thief, “This day will you be with Me in paradise.” Jesus offers that hope to every person on earth.
(4) Many people begin life with high ideals, great hopes and noble aspiration and end up making a mess of their lives.
(5) But, no matter how deep in sin and failure one might plunge, there is mercy and forgiveness in Jesus.
The second confessor of the cross was a Roman soldier, compelled by duty to stand at the foot of the cross and watch Jesus die. Mk. 15:39. A centurion. The commander of a hundred men.
(3) Professional soldier. One thing on his mind. Get the job done right and as quickly as possible.
(6) Not caught in the emotion and frenzy of the crowd. Aloof, Indifferent and performs his duty with cool, strict, professional competence.
(7) But, then the Sun grows dark and an earthquake splits the ground open from that hill through the brook Sidron, Jerusalem, Temple, Valley of Gehenna to the Dead Sea. Seeing these events this Centurion says aloud, “This really is the Son of God.”
(8) He comes to Calvary an indifferent, unbeliever who professes in the presence of Christ’s enemies, “This really is the Son of God.” Tradition says his name was Longinus and that he became a Christian.
(9) A hardened Roman soldier has inside of himself what all men need to find salvation. Intellectual honesty and spiritual sensitivity.
(4) Two latecomers arrive at the cross and confessed that they belonged to Jesus and we read about them in Jno. 19:38-42. Two men both secret disciples.

(10) Joseph from Aramathea. Five miles North of Jerusalem. Called Rama in the Old Testament. The birth place of the prophet Samuel. Joseph is a successful business man in Jerusalem. Matthew says he was rich, Mark calls him honorable and Luke says he was a member of the ruling Sanhedrin.
(11) He finds the courage to go to Pilate and ask for the body of Jesus to bury Him in his new tomb. And unknowingly becomes God’s instrument to fulfill Messianic prophecy. Isa. 53:9, said, “He would be placed with the rich in His death.” By his courage Joseph becomes a part of the Gospel story and encourages and accounts for you, me and millions who have obeyed the Word.
(5) The other late comer to Calvary that day was a man named Nicodemus. We first meet him in Jno. 3:1-21. He comes to Jesus by night for fear of the Jews.
(12) Jesus tells him the whole gospel story in advance of it’s occurance, Jno. 3:16.
“God so loved the world He sent His only begotten son...” Told him how to
get into the new Messianic Kingdom in Vs. 5, “Except one be born again of
water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus even
told him about the crucifixion in Vs. 14-15.
(13) Joseph comes forward to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus and that gives Nicodemus the courage to step out of the shadows of fear and disobedience.
(14) Two old friends, both members of the Sanhedrin step forward to be identified with Jesus. Joseph provides the new tomb and Nicodemus provides the expensive spices and oils to provide an honorable burial for the Son of God.
(15) Matt. 10:32. You never know who you will encourage to come to Jesus by your faithfulness.
3. On Calvary we see four types of men, all different, finding salvation by identifying with J.C.
(1) Criminal paying the price for his sin. Bitter harvest of a life sown in rebellion.
(1) Forced to see the reality of his choices in life Given the opportunity to choose God.
(2) Roman Soldier is Hard, Calloused, Realistic faces the God man cannot escape.
(3) Joseph the business man who thinks in terms of loss and profit. “What will a man give in exchange for his soul?
(4) Nicodemus the influential religous leader who tries to compromise and live in two worlds. Realized the truth of Christ’s words, “He who is not with Me is against Me.”
(2) This hour you stand with these four men, in the shadow of the cross.
(1) You, also, face that all important question. “What will you do with Jesus?”
(2) Acts 20:32.

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