The Claims Of The Cross 011
Col. 1:19-22

A. The apostle Paul understood the claims the Cross made on him and his life. In Gal. 6:14, he declares, “God forbid that I should boast, except in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul’s only Glory was in the Cross of Jesus. It was that glorious cross that would captured Paul’s heart, mind, soul and affections and it would not let him go. This is Paul’s way of saying that the cross laid on him the most serious claims of life.
John Ming once wrote, “When I see the American flag, that star spangled banner turns my life upside down. Each star illuminated against that field of blue reminds me that my life long responsibility is to give myself to keep this nation free.” What the flag was to John Ming, the Cross is to the apostle Paul. “The Cross of Jesus is my life,” proclaims the apostle Paul.
1. Is that true of you and me? Is our glory in the cross such that it’s claims are reflected in our lives? Do we really know what the Cross means to us and the world in which we live?
(1) Ever wonder what kind of nation this would be if the Cross had never been?
(1) What kind of community would this be if there was no claims of the Cross on us?
(1) Someone answers, “No one knows.” I don’t believe that. I think that kind of answer is a cop-out to shirk our responsibilities to the Cross of Christ.
(2) We can look at history and know EXACTLY what the world would be like without the Cross of Christ.
(2) Look at the world when Christ came to earth in the First Century. That time in history known as the Golden Age of the Roman Empire.
(1) Rome had reached the heights of it’s glory as a nation. Augustus ruled 50 years. He made Rome the envy of the world.
(2) Much of what they did still influences our world today.
(3) The idea of a Republic. Architectural and Engineering accomplishments we still use today. Appian Way (Rapid deployment). A time of many marvelous ideas and physical Achievements.
(3) But, they could not boast of humanitarian accomplishments. No orphan homes for fatherless children. 200 million slaves who had no rights. No court was open to appeal for them. They were Nothing but expendable human tools and hundreds were crucified each day.
(1) Sons and daughters were often treated no better. Sold on slave market or put to death if they happened to displease their parents. Hospitals existed only for soldiers, Gladiators, the elite and wealthy. People had no interest in their own sick and drove them out to die alone.
(2) It was a time when men truly feared death. Before the Cross the ancient world was a cruel dark place devoid of love and compassion.
(3) But, in a. d. 33, Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem and that crucifixion changed the world in which we live. And that cross makes many claims on the world even to this very day.
(2) The cross claims that humanity needs a Messiah to save our souls. To raise us above living like animals. To give life true meaning, real value and eternal hope.
(1) The world is unable to raise itself above the level of putrification and free itself from the power of sin, the forces of evil that bring death and eternal damnation.
(1) Left to ourselves we are given to the most hateful acts of cruelty imaginable.
(2) Look around and see the Ted Bundys, Jeffery Daughmers, Charlie Mansons, Bill Clintons, Sadam Hussins, Usama Ben Laudens. Our history is shameful.

(2) But the Cross does not stop at telling man of his lost condition. The Cross is positive and hopeful because it offers help, our ONLY help.
(1) Jno. 12:32, Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto men.” Here is the hope of mankind.
(2) What is the purpose of Christ drawing men? To give them a new heart, new hope, new purpose, a new vision and a new promise.
(3) As people are drawn to Jesus, hearts are changed, people grow in love and kindness and communities improve and that spreads to others.
(4) Actually live the words of God given by Paul in Eph. 4:17-32.
2. The Cross claims that Jesus is the Only Way by which man can be reconciled to God.
(1) Paul proclaims in Col. 1:20, “God has made peace through the blood of the cross by Jesus to reconcile all things to Himself.” Vs. 22, says, “By Christ’s Sacrifice on calvary we are presented Holy, Blameless and beyond Reproach.”
(1) Heb. 7:27, says, “Jesus offered Himself, once and for all, as the true sacrifice for sin.” That’s it, there is no other. Heb. 8:1-2, says, “Jesus is our High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.”
(1) What’s He doing there? Heb 9:12?15, tells us, “With His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption..... And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of His death..... We may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.”
(2) Acts 4:12, tells us emphatically, “There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." and Mark 16:16, proclaims that, “If you refuse to believe that you will be damned eternally.”
(2) Jesus is God’s Exclusive Alternative. There is no other acceptable way for you to be saved.
(1) The world hates that message. They reject it and ridicule us for believing and preaching it. Trying to shame us into silence so we won’t preach it.
(2) But, you have no other choice. Believe it, Obey it and you will be saved and if you don’t you will spend eternity with those unbelieving people.
(3) And that’s why I close every lesson from this pulpit with Acts 20:32.

Spur - 02/03/2002 am