The Blood Of The Cross 12
Matt. 27:24-25

2000 years ago a man was crucified whose name is spoken with great reverence by millions in the world today. Millions upon millions have found in Him their One and Only Hope.
But, for every one who comes to Him there millions who reject Him, curse His name and speak scornfully about Him. His name is Jesus Christ and He is the Son of God.
a. The day Jesus was crucified outside Jerusalem the hours were filled with Fast moving events
The night before they paid Judas 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus.
Under the cover of darkness they unjustly try Jesus before the High Priest and the
Sanhedrin. Violate every law, principle of jurisprudence known to God and man.
At sunrise they bring Him before Pilate who’d been appointed by Caesar as the governor of Judea and Samaria.
Roman law forbid the Jews from exercising the death penalty. That’s why they are there. They want Jesus put to death.
But the Jews won’t go into the Roman Praetorium. It was a Gentile dwelling and they would be defiled and could not eat the Pass over feast which was the next day.
So Pilate comes out on the Gabbatha (Porch) to hear the charges brought against Jesus.
Jno. 18:29, Pilate asks, “What has this man done, what accusation do you bring against Him?” They reply, “If He had not done anything we would not have brought Him before you.” Pilate’s reply was the proper one, “Take Him then, and judge Him according to your law.” They reply, “No , Roman law does not permit us to put a man to death.” That’s what they want.
Pilate sits down to hear the charges and the trial of Jesus begins.
Three charges are brought against Jesus. #1, Perverting the Nation, #2, Refusing to pay taxes, #3, He claims to be King of the Jews.
Takes Jesus inside the Praetorium to interrogate Him privately. “Are you the king of the Jews? For this reason was I born, for this reason have I come into the world.”
Pilate comes out and announces, “I find no fault in him.” They change the charge, “He stirs up the nation from His homeland of Galilee to here.”
Pilate sees a way out. Galilee is under the jurisdiction of Herod Antipas, but before Herod He does not open Mouth. No power to put Him on the cross.
Back to Pilate and he says, “Neither Herod nor I find any fault in this man.”
Tries to appease them by appealing to a custom of the Roman government in occupied lands. Once each year we show our good will by releasing one of you citizens who is charged with rebellion and insurrection against the state. Now here is Barabbas. He was to Rome what Arafat, Sadam Husin and all Islam are to Israel. Terrorist, Insurrectionist. Let’s make a trade. They refuse.
Pilate is shocked and asks, “What shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?” They shout, “Crucify Him.” Replies, “But, I find no wrong in Him.” Jesus is Mocked, Beaten, Scourged, Robed, Crown of Thorns and Pilate thinks, “Surely, this will satisfy them.”
Still they demand Jesus be crucified. Pilate says, “You’ll have to break the Roman law an kill Him yourself because I find no fault in Him.” They answer, “He broke our law. He calls Himself the Son of God.

(3) Jno. 19:8-12. That struck a responsive chord in Pilate. Be called back to Rome and be tried, executed, prison, exile. Washes his hands in a basin of water and says, “I cannot justly sentencing this man to death for He has done nothing wrong. My hand are free of the blood of this innocent man.”
Then came those ominous words of Matt. 27:25, “Let His blood be on us and our children.”
And with those words They sounded the death knell of the Jewish Nation.
(2) But, do you know what? The Jews are not the only ones guilty of Christ’s blood.
(1) Every one who rejects Jesus is saying, “I don’t care, Let His blood be on me.”
(1) But, God has said, “This blood is the only thing that will wash away your sin and free you from the sentence of damnation your sin has brought on you.”
God did not cause you to sin. That was a choice you made. God is kind and loving and has offered you a way out. That way is the Blood of Jesus at the Cross.
(3) All are asked to come and stand at the foot of that cross. Yet multitudes refuse.
(1) His blood is not just on those who refuse Him and Mock Him. But His blood is also on those have heard, believed, obeyed and then fell away.
(1) Christ’s blood condemns the unfaithful Christian the same as the atheist.
(2) Perhaps even more so. Because of unfaithful Christians there are places in the world in spiritual darkness where the church was once bright and radiant.
(3) Because of our hypocrisy one whole part of our world is enslaved by Islam where you will be put to death for being a Christian or having a Bible.
(2) “Let His blood be on us.” Is the most tragic and hopeless phrase ever spoken?
(1) It brings damnation on both the unbeliever and the unfaithful Christian and yet, at the same time it is the reverent, glorious plea of every believer.
(2) We come into God’s court, fully aware of our sin and failure. But, we do not come in dispar. Instead we come in the joy of hope.
(3) We plead that blood. We accept His sacrifice for our sin. And our cry is, “LET HIS BLOOD BE ON US.”
(3) Thank God for that blood. It covers our sin, washes away every vestige and stain. That’s why it was poured out on the Cross.
(1) He was forsaken instead of me. His blood was shed instead of mine to pay for my sin. I am acquitted, cleared of all guilt. Restored to the favor and grace of God.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 02/10/2002 am