Spiritual Maturity #7

We all face temptation every day. Constant companion. How handle it? Over come it? Best way to handle a problem is to define it. Go to dictionary and see how you define temptation. “The act of enticement to do wrong, by promise of pleasure or gain.”
Satan’s most powerful tool. Promises a lie. Promise pleasure or gain. But instead It always becomes painful and ends in death. Temptation motivates you to do wrong by promising something good. Isn't that just like Satan.
a. What temps one person holds no desire for another. Many colors, packages. Temptation is
different things to different people. Usually think of temptation in terms of sensual, lustful desires.
What about the temptation to gossip, hold a grudge, lie, hate, cheat the IRS. Those sins will
condemn soul as quickly as lust, adultery or murder.
(1) The Bible has an answer to the problem of temptation. 1 Cor. 10:13. Many scriptures
tell us how to find and use that escape route from sin. Gal. 5:22-23. By bearing the fruit
of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus makes the same analogy in Jno. 15:5-8. Being
(a) The amount of fruit produced by a tree is determined by it’s maturity. Had a 4 year
old plum tree. Bore fruit for the 1st time. Two small plums and I expect more. Ten
year old apple tree bore 150. Not compare the two. Not expect from one what
we do of the other.
(b) As the plum tree becomes more mature it will produce more and better fruit. If it
does not you cut it down.
(2) What kind of fruit does a Christians tree grow? Gal. 5:22-23. Did you catch that? One
of the fruits mentioned is “Self Control.” That’s fruit's the answer to the problem of
temptation. Greek enkrateia and it means “To be in Strength.” Mastery of self. You
are In control of self. Mastery of self and the desires of self.
The Christian overcomes temptation by mastery of self. Say, “No, No, No.” Self control comes only in one way. You work at it. Requires hard work and practice. You have to choose to do it. Result of a conscious decision to be God’s child.
You have to want it so much that you plant, water, feed, nurture so It grows. Not a hobby. Not something you play at. Not something you do occasionally. Crops don’t grow overnight. You plant, water, fertilize, nurture it so it will grow. It takes time, effort, hard work. Make an investment, commitment.
2 Pet. 1:4-7. You have to do it on purpose. Not happen accidently.
Vs. 5, says, “Give all diligence...” Work hard to be virtuous, gain knowledge of God’s Word, becoming self-controlled. The Idea is, you can be all these IF you want to. If you’re willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to do it.
(a) Temptation is a fact of life, But it does not come from God. Jas. 1:13-15. James
does not say, “IF you are tempted.” He says, “WHEN you are Tempted.” If you
think there’s some place you can go where there is no temptation. Don’t go there!
You will spoil it and you won’t grow very much.
There is nothing wrong with having to face temptation. It is not sinful to be tempted. What is sinful is to give in to temptation. Sin is when you become a victim of temptation.
Heb. 4:15. Jesus was tempted But He never sinned. Why? Because He never yielded to sin. Jesus did not sin because He practiced perfect self control.
He is our Example. We are to be like Him. Follow in His foot steps. Jesus was God controlled because He was self controlled. Jas. 1:13.
That means that when temptation comes, You cannot blame God. 1 Jno. 1:5, God does not fellowship, tolerate or direct temptation and sin toward us. Temptation and sin does not come from God. It originates some where else.

2. Temptation and sin are the result of uncontrolled attitudes, appetites and desires. That’s where it comes from. When temptation comes we are the ones who make the choice to control or not to control.
(1) Adam tried to blame God for his sin. Gen. 3:12. Adam, not God made the choice to yield and eat. People say, “Well, I prayed and didn’t get an answer and so I yielded to temptation.” That is not true.
(1) 1 Cor. 10:13. He will do it every time. The problem was you prayed but didn’t practice any self control. It’s your fault NOT God’s. You didn’t have to sin. You could have said, “NO!” But you didn’t. God is blameless.
(a) You could have chosen to be self-controlled. Instead you chose to sin. God offers
a way of escape from temptation every time. You have to choose. Are you a child
of God? That’s another choice you have to make. God offers you Jesus as a way
of escape from the temptation of sin, power and penalty of sin.
(1) Let me ask a Question? Have you taken that way of escape? God offers you the opportunity to choose that way of escape right now, What will you do with it?
(2) Asks you to believe that His son died for you to shed His blood to wash away your sins. Ask you to believe in Jesus, repent of your sinful life style, confess Jesus as Lord, be washed in the waters of baptism for the remission of your sins and live for him by walking in the Holy Spirit. Have you done that? If not, Why not?
(3) Acts 20:32

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