Spiritual Maturity #2

A. Ever notice how people run faster when they loose their way? Comanche, Texas squirrel hunt. Loose
our way and instead of being calm we panic. Head says stay calm, but feet take over and off you go
as fast as you can run. Instead of stopping and regrouping we ricochet off the walls like a steel ball
in a pinball machine.
(2) Three words describe people today. Hurry, Worry, Bury. No where to go, but in a hurry to get there, nothing Important to do, but I’m going to worry myself sick till I get it done, and they Bury us before our time.
a. What do you do when you start living like that ? Instead of growling at your wife or kicking the cat. How do you cope, survive with sanity intact? Short of nailing your shoes to the floor----What do you do?
(A) For starters, just stop. Take time, to remember who you are. You are, first and foremost, a
Christian, a child of God. Rediscover that the Lord is God and He is with us. He is our
Strength. He will provide.
(1) Remember, we’re talking about spiritual growth. When God grows a Christian He
provides what is necessary for healthy, proper, spiritual growth.
(a) Do you remember your growing up years? Pencil marks show growth from year to
year. God is interested in your spiritual growth. He loves to watch us grow.
(1) But, remember, no such thing as instant growth. No one becomes mature over night. Growing a Christian is a slow, painstaking process that includes waiting, failing, losing, being misunderstood.
(b) Like growing physical body. Feed, exercise. Needs spiritual vitamins to grow up strong and healthy. Needs a daily dose of Gos-Pills from a little bottle we call the Bible.
(2) Where are the marks on the wall of your spiritual life? Where do you stand spiritualy?
(a) How much higher will this years mark be above last years mark? You been so busy
bouncing off walls you’ve had no time to grow spiritally?
(c) Worst excuse you can make is “I can’t.” Yes you can, if you want to. Phip. 4:13,
19. God says He will provide everything you need.
Do you really believe that? Then start living like it.
(B) Important Question? How do you handle those stressful times so you end up closer to God?
(1) Ps. 46, has some answers. It’s one of those, What do you do under stress Psalms.
(a) Vs. 1-11. The word Trouble is SARAH. It means to be squeezed, restricted.
Between rock and a hard place. You’re being, pressed, squeezed. Stress is doing
a number on you. And it’s evident your feet have wheels and you can't find the
(b) Stop and remember. You’re not alone. God is there. Let Go and let God.
(2) Ps. 46, describes three situations of life that we have all experienced.
(a) Vs. 1-3, Natural Disasters. How do you react? “I WILL NOT FEAR.”
(b) Vs. 4-7, Wars, Economy, Government fails. “I WILL NOT BE MOVED.”
(c) Vs. 8-11, Post Battle Fatigue. “I WILL NOT STRIVE.”
a. Natural disasters threaten you life, “I will not fear.” The place where you live is under attack, “I
will not be moved.” After the awful experiences are over, fatigue and depression sets in, “I will not
How is it possible to do that? Because of Vs. 1. You don’t look Inward, Outward horizontally. Look upward Vertically. Look up to God.
(1) Only one Person who can get you through all that with your sanity intact and that’s God. David says, “God is our bridge over troubled waters.” God can be trusted. You can Depend on God.
(2) God is relevant to your life. Indispensable. God will give you what you need to get you

through life. The hardest lesson to learn in life is to be clam and wait for God in times of
(B) Bible Example in EX. 14:10-14. Israel is between Pharaoh and Red Sea. And they are
bouncing off the walls. Scared out of their minds.
(1) What did God tell Moses to do? Tell the people, “FEAR NOT.” That’s the Message to
all God’s People in all ages.
(a) ISA 41:10.
(b) Don’t look around, look up. Live vertically not horizontally.
(c) 2 Tim. 1:7. God’s people have sound minds, don’t bounce off walls.
(d) When stress, anxiety overwhelms. God says, “Come rest in My eternal embrace.”
(2) I like TIM HANSEL’s Poem, “Slow Me Down Lord.”
(a) God cannot do that until you slow down, until you let go and let God.
(b) When was the last time you just relaxed for fun with your family, flew a kite, took
a long walk, drove under the speed limit, 1 hour of good music, Saturday doing
something silly, fun and relaxing, Kid on your shoulders.
b. You need to just slow down take a big breath and ask, your self, “Why am I doing this?” Just stop and realized how useless it is = You are only as little as the people and things you let upset you. You’re bigger than all of them put together.
(1) The only way to break from it’s destructive power is to break from the Rat Race and
Finally begin to enjoy the beauty of God and His Creation.
(2) Ps. 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” That’s the answer to all
the problems of life. God is bigger than your problems. Bigger than any
circumstance of life. Ps. 46:1ff, David says, “God is our refuge and strength, a
very present help in trouble, I will not fear, I will not be moved, I will not strive.”
(a) Reach up and find perfect help, perfect victory in life. Let go and let God grow
you into a more mature Christian.
(3) Acts 20:32.

Spur – 09/22/2002 am