Spiritual Maturity #13

A. Thomas Jefferson’s “Rules for Living.” “When angry count to ten. Very angry count to 100.” Mark Twain wrote, “When angry count to four. When very angry swear.” That one is not recommended.
Most have tried everything from Jefferson to Twain and everything in between. But they still cannot control temper. No laughing matter. Wrestling with a foul temper can be one of life’s worst problems. And it’s a frustrating problem. Temper will make you look foolish, Rob you of your Christian influence, injures home and reputation. It will destroy relationships. It’s a killer.
a. TV News. Man killed infant daughter in a fit of uncontrolled rage. Anger is not funny, not humorous, not a laughing matter. Emotional reaction of hostility directed toward others comes in various phases.
(A) Begins with mild Irritation. If fed becomes wrath, fury. Most dangerous is rage. Involves
a loss of emotional control and almost always involves violence. God’s Word has a lot to
say about anger. What it says may surprise you.
(1) Eph. 4:26-27, "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on
your wrath, nor give place to the devil.” The New English Bible: “If you are angry, do not let anger lead you into sin, do not let sunset find you still nursing your anger, leave no opportunity for the devil.”
It’s not always wrong to get angry. Anger is a God given emotion. If you never get angry, you are not human.
If you never show compassion, you have no heart. Never show love have something terribly wrong with you. God says , “Be angry and sin not.” Not every expression of anger is wrong.
(1) There are times when anger is not a sin. It is right, good and acceptable, and necessary. That tells you there is a right kind of anger and a wrong kind of anger. A right time to be angry,
(1) Same is true of love. Jno. 13:34-35. We are commanded to love. But we are also told in Jno. 23:15, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
(2) There is right kind of love and a wrong kind of love. Anger, like love must be controlled, directed, restricted in it’s use and application. Misdirected, uncontrolled love can become sin. Be angry, but don’t carry it to the point that it becomes sin. That’s why self control is so important.
(2) Jesus expressed anger. Even spoke angerly when He spoke to people who did wrong.
(2) Expressed God’s anger towards religious hypocrisy. Matt. 23:27-33. Listen to the righteous anger and indignation of God in Matt. 15:3-9. Anger is often appropriate and justified and must be expressed to expose sin and injustice.
(1) But anger must have safeguards. Safeguard #1 is found in Eph. 4:26, "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath.” Don’t let your anger go into the night. Get rid of it before you go to bed. Come to a scratching halt.
(2) Make sure yo don’t carry your anger into tomorrow. Solve the problem before tomorrow. You clear the air. Forgiveness and love before you go to sleep.
(3) Safeguard #2 = Eph. 4:27, “Do not leave an opportunity for the devil.”
(1) It’s Important that we understand what’s being said here.
(1) Don’t let your anger cause you to become like Satan. Satan is the destroyer. Unbridled anger is one of his most effective tools. Loose your temper and vent your anger will make you an effective tool of the Devil.
(2) Jno. 8:44, Jesus spoke to false teachers. A murderer is a destroyer. You don’t have to kill a body to murder. Character assination. In uncontrolled anger you become like Satan. Opposite of a child of God.

(2) 1 Jno. 3:8-12.
(1) What was the sin that led Cain to slay his brother? Uncontrolled anger. Mad.
(2) Col. 3:1-10. What’s the constant companion of anger? Filthy language.
(C) We are to become like Jesus. That means we are controlled by Jesus in our temperament. You cannot glorify God in uncontrolled anger. Satan, not Jesus is in control of your life. Two powers in the world that control events and people. God and Satan.
Get rid of sinful anger. Satan is in control. Demonic involvement. God is love, become like God.
(3) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 12/15/02 am