Spiritual Maturity #11

A. We all have feelings of Inferiority and self doubt at one time or another in our lives. How you handle
these feelings about yourself is important. Become destructive and counter productive. Inferiority,
self doubt are weapons Satan will use against you to destroy your credibility.
1. The world scoffs at Christianity. Berate, ridicule, verbal attacks. Constant barrage of criticism and attacks against the home and moral purity. It will affect you, your family and your children. Only one reason they do that. Frightened to death of Christianity and Christians.
a. When you’re wrong and don’t want to change, what do you do? Get involved in denial and character assassination.
2. The world cannot deny, defeat the argument of a pure Christian life, truths of God’s Word and the value of Christian principles.
(A) The only avenue open to them is to make Christianity look stupid, feel stupid, Inferior,
backward, Illiterate, old fashioned and out of touch with the times.
Many times it works. Many Christians feel inferior, Filled with self doubts, impotent,
useless. Let the world and circumstances of life convince them they are inferior. Become
filled with self doubt & become Embarrassed by and ashamed of their Christianity.
(1) Don’t believe they can accomplish much in the world. Even less for God’s Kingdom. Not only doubt selves. Doubt God. Lose faith in Christianity and the promises of God.
(a) Afraid to share God and faith with others. That’s why the Church starting to
shrink in numbers. 2 Tim. 1:7-14.
(1) You have something the world does not have. You have nobility. You are royalty. Nothing to be ashamed of 1 Pet. 2:9, “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people.”
(2) Important principle for growing into Christian maturity. It’s Important that you understand. If you do not, it will cripple, destroy your testimony and loose your grip on God and eternal life.
(1) Feelings of inferiority will cause you to loose out on God’s blessings. Because of his inferiority complex Moses almost blew it; almost lost the opportunity of a life time.
(2) Moses killed an Egyptian. Hiding like a fugitive in Midian for 40 years because he was afraid.
(3) Ex. 3:1-11. Making excuses. Looking for an out. Telling God He’s got the wrong man. Problem? For 40 years he has nursed the image of a looser. Don’t misunderstand what’s happening here. Moses is NOT being humble.
(1) Difference between being humble and feeling Inferior. Between humility and faithlessness. Whatever you do, don’t confuse the two.
(2) Humble people have a high degree of confidence in God. They believe God is in control. They are not timid, they do not feel inadequate, Helpless, fustrated, hopeless. They do not have feelings of despair. They do not feel defeated by life and circumstance. They have a firm assurance that God will do what He promised. Bold confidence.
(2) Let me give you a New Testament example of what we are talking about. 2 Cor. 11:5; 12:11. No inferiority complex here. Expresses total confidence in God and God’s ability to enable him to be successful.
(1) Paul never feels inferior. Why? Phip. 4:13. What was Paul’s confidence? God’s ability. PHIP 4:19,
(1) Paul has total confidence in God’s ability. Bold, confident, effective in his work. That’s just the opposite of Moses. Moses has no confidence in himself or in God.
(2) Questions God’s judgment, ability. God you’re not all knowing, all wise. You made a mistake, You picked the wrong person.

(2) EXOD 4:10-12. If God can create the world and man is it impossible for God to give a man special abilities? Is anything impossible for God? The answer is NO, nothing is impossible for God. But Moses doesn’t believe that. Listen to verse 13 .......But he said, "O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send." No wonder Vs. 14, says, “God’s anger burned against Moses.” You disbelieve and disobey God and His anger will burn against you as well.
(1) What’s Moses’ problem? Eyes on self. Fenced God into his own Inferiorities, limitations. As long as you doubt God. Feel inferior, doubt self, never achieve anything lasting as a Christian. Faithless Christians are spiritual failures. How can you ask others to believe in your little God? Ask them to take on your very real fears, inadequacies and failures?
(2) If your God is so small, weak, powerless that He cannot make your weakness into strength. How can you ask others to believe in such a puny, worthless God? Trusting God is important. Believing in God is absolutely necessary.
2. Heb. 11:6.
(1) Self doubt results from not believing in God. That doubt can be overcome only by faith. Faith that believes in the unfailing power and ability of God in your life. We call you to believe greatly in the great God, the one and only God. He will work all things together for good in your life and make you victorious over all things.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 12/01/02 am Bob Martin