Ordeals Make Some Things Obvious

A. Gen. 22:12, “Do not lay your hand on the young man, or do anything to him; for now I know that you have reverence for God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” Occasionally, we are tested in ways that make it clear what kind of persons we are. That’s not an easy conceptt to fathom. But one this is for sure. Abraham learned a lot about himself. After this Abraham would have known his own faith in ways that were impossible before.
1. When we face difficulty, we find out what we are really made of. In times of ease, we think we know ourselves and we say what we believe in words that sound right to our own ears. And we're not being deliberately deceptive. But, "Only after a painful, self-sobering ordeal are we likely to discover what we actually believe about God." There are two tests we all need to face: #1, is the validity of our principles. It is one thing to think about our principles; (Being Jack Horner is easy: Any one can proclaim his own self-made goodness). But, it’s is something else to have field-tested them.
a. #2, We need the value of a faith that has found its beliefs to be consistent
with reality, on the battlefield as well as in the church pew. And God invites
us to test His truths in the hard decisions of life. David said, "Taste and
see whether or not the Lord is good." Ps. 34:8. Our allegiance to our
principles needs to be tested. 9 times out of 4, that requires a trial by fire.
"Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it, a man hardly knows whether he
is honest or not."
b. It is through suffering that we learn our own mettle, and that’s good. Jas. 1:2, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials." There are some very practical, as well as eternal, reasons why we need to understand ourselves. If it takes hardship to help us understand, then so be it. Even if an ordeal shows that we're less than what we've made ourselves out to be in the past, the sooner we face that truth, the better off we’ll be to make godly choices in the future.
c. Acts 20:32

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick

Spur - 07/27/03 pm