Moral Courage

It takes the highest kind of courage to do what is right
2. Josh. 1:9.
a. The most interesting stories in Reader's Digest are those of the heroism of "average"
people in life?threatening situations.
Most people have more physical courage than they realize. But the man who would not hesitate to risk bodily harm to save someone's life, will often be unwilling to risk ridicule to save someone's soul.
(1) What does that tell us? Moral courage is more rare than physical courage ?? and yet, it is much more important.
(a) Sometimes Moral courage Requires Physical Courage.
In Heb. 11:32-38. The Bible reminds us that True, Deep commitment to the Lord is not without its physical dangers.
(2) Rev. 12:11.
We live our lives safely and securely. Day is rapidly approaching when that will no longer be true. Being a Christian may cost you your.
Today, there are those in our government who want you to go away and are quietly working to make that happen.
Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world, is taking over in countries all over the world. And as they do they are actively trying to stamp out Christianity. You convert to Islam or you die on the spot.
(B) It happened to the apostle Paul and others in the 1st Century and they left us a
great example of faithfulness and courage ? Acts 20:22?24; 21:13.
It is not impossible that such courage might be required of us today.
And it is possible that we could Fail the test.
Matt. 26:33, “I will never forsake you.” Jno. 18:10, “Drew his sword to defend Jesus.” Peter exhibited great physical courage.
Had great physical courage and yet lacked the moral courage to carry out his claims. He denied Jesus three times before the rooster announced a new day.
Satan knows very well the kinds of things we are most afraid of: Embarrassment, Being labeled, unfriendliness, being made fun of, minority status, loss of social esteem, rejection and hostility.
(a) Knowing our personal fears, Satan threatens us at those points we just talked about, knowing that we will do nearly anything he says to avoid suffering those things.
If we give in to that pressure and deny Christ, we place ourselves among those who confess Christ only when little they have little to lose
b. Christ asks us to live a life, in word and deed, which confesses Him regardless of the
dangers, loss or humiliation we may suffer.
(1) Always remember the words of Jesus in Luke 12:8-9.
(1) To be ashamed of Christ is to be lost. Mark 8:38.
(2) Courage comes only from one place. Our courage comes from God and our knowledge of Him and what He will do for us.
(1) Phip. 4:13; Jno. 14:27, tells me, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Jno. 14:27, Jesus promised me peace.
(2) In Jno. 16:33, Jesus encourages me.

B. There is no need for fear, 2 Tim. 1:7.

2. I especially hold dear the words of Jesus in Matt 10:28?31.
a. Close with encourage from the book of Revelation. Please read with me Rev 21:5?8.
3. Rev. 19:11?16.
(1) Rom. 8:31-39, speaks to our hearts.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 4/22/2001 pm