Magnificent Reminder Of The Cross 21
Josh. 4:1-11, 18-24

The geographical location of Israel helps us comprehend the magnitude of this miracle. The Jordan River plunges from 1,200' above sea level to 1295' below sea level in 130 miles and
at the point where Israel crossed the valley is 4 miles wide.
Josh. 3:15, says, “The Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest.” The
canyon was flooded from bank to bank. No wonder the Canaanite were unconcerned.
a. The priests step into the edge of the water and this raging torrent comes to a halt and all
of Israel crosses into the promised land on dry ground. God commands them to gather 12
stones to build a monument, a reminder of this magnificent even. That was not the
only reminder of God’s power, greatness and perfect care given to Israel.
(A) There were others. 10 plagues, Crossing of the Red Sea, Pillar of fire and the
cloud all of which were constant reminders that Jehovah was their strength and
Provision. And what about the events at Mt. Sinai. The mountain shook, rumbled
with lightening and thunder so fiercely the people trembled. Yet, here at Jordan they
are commanded to erect yet another reminder of God’s greatness.
Why? Why the constant erecting of such monuments and reminders? God knows man is prone to forget what he should remember. In astonishment you might ask, “Forget? How could anyone forget all those marvelous events?”
(a) It is incomprehensible that they would ever forget. Yet, they did. The fact of
their forgetfulness is demonstrated in the prophets. Their constant call was,
“Remember God, remember God’s Law, remember, remember and turn
away from your sin and rebellion.
Can the same be true of us today? And can it be said with the same degree of astonishment and for the same reasons? That’s a good question, “How could we, who have been enlightened, tasted salvation, received the new covenant ever forget Christ? How?
How treat lightly His expression of love on the cross? But, we do and the apostle Paul writes about that ingratitude in Heb. 10:29, talking about Christians “...who trample the Son of God underfoot, counting His blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified a common thing, and have insulted the Spirit of grace?”
God gave Israel those reminders and recorded their fickle history as a reminder for us not to follow their shameful example. 1 Cor. 10:11?12, “...all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come.” It’s so important God said it a second time in Rom 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning.”
(1) What are we to learn, remember? Don’t forget to remember. Remember to remember who you are, Whose you are. Remember how and why and when He redeemed you from your sin. Hold His shed blood as the holiest and most sacred thing in your life. That’s what the Lord’s Day is about.
(1) God has given us a “Memorial Day.” A day of remembrance But it does not happen just once a year, as America’s Memorial Day does. The Christian’s Memorial Day occurs on the 1st day of every week.
(2) The Lord’s Day is a reminder of the most glorious event in the history of mankind. That day is made more meaningful by another memorial within that memorial. It’s called the Lord’s Supper, 1 Cor. 11:23-26.

(2) It’s purpose is commemorative. Matt 26:26?29, “Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My body." Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” This is our memorial. It brings to our memory in a tender, vivid way, the virgin birth, pure life, the saving words, the death, burial, resurrection, ascension and coronation of Jesus for our sins = And it is a constant reminder that He is coming back to take us home with Him.
(3) We are to hold in it reverence and cherish it as the most priceless thing in our lives. We must not treat it lightly or take it for granted. It is to be the most sacred memory in our hearts.
(4) That’s what the apostle Paul is referring to in 1 Cor. 11:27-30. Question? Where are you, in your mind, heart during this covenant meal?
What are you thinking about? Your hair, make up, car, business?
3. Or do you stand beneath the cross. Your face stained with tears. Tears of love and gratitude. Heartbroken because He is there because of you. Poem, “I Nailed my Savior There.” Rom 5:8, “God demonstrated His own love toward us in this way. While we were still sinners, He sent Christ to die for us.” That’s what the Lord’s Supper is all about Our covenant meal celebrating Jesus & our salvation in Him. Heb. 10:25-29. When did Christians assemble? Why did they assemble? Where are you every 1st day of the week?
(1) I’ve Seen Christians cry at Ball Games. Movies, TV. Scene on the screen was one of love, compassion, sadness. Never seen a Christian moved to the point of tears while partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Did you? I wonder why?
(2) Communion made possible by a love so great it could not give anything less than it’s very best. A sermon on the Love of God that I could never match with my unlearned, finite, inept efforts to move you into the arms of God.
(3) If God’s sermon of the cross won’t move you to give it all to Him, then nothing I could say will ever do that.
(2) For 52 Sundays every year a sermon on love has been preached at this table. And many have slept through it. A sermon that says, “I love you that much. I love you enough to see My Son suffer and die for you.” Want to see God’s hatred for sin. Noah’s flood, Fires of Sodom and Gomorrah. Look at the Cross. Not see the real love of God in Glory of Eden or beauty of nature. Need to look at the Cross.
(1) Magnificent reminder that God is, Christ died, Love is dynamic, Prayer is powerful, Faith is the victory and the love of God knows no limit.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 04/14/2002 am