Identifying the New Testament Church #4

A. When someone attends worship services of the churches of Christ for the first time their
first question is "Why don't you have instrumental music in your worship services?"
That’s a normal question. Except for a few Primitive Baptist and strict Greek Orthodox
groups we are the only religious group who do not use instrumental music. Our songs of
praise are "a cappella" Which means without the accompaniment of an instrument in the
Until 1859 the Disciples of Christ (known, today, as the Christian Church) did not use instrumental music in worship. Their songs of praise in worship were “a capella.” In 1859 a brother by the name of J.J. Pinkerton introduced an organ in the worship services at Cain Ridge, Kentucky.
a. This one man-made addition to the worship service created a dispute so volatile it
divided the church at Cain Ridge. The introduction of the instrument slowly spread
and the controversy became so strong that it split the Disciples. The dissenting
group, those opposing the instrument, became known as the Churches of Christ.
(A) How could something as simple and seemingly innocent as an instrument of music bring strife and bitter division into the body of Christ. Why was there such
an uproar, Why did people get so upset? First of all, for thousands of years Christ's New Testament church had not used an instrument of music in worship
to God.
(1) First Century Christians, under the guidance of the apostles did not use such man-made instruments of music. For us to worship God according to
their established pattern, we believe that the instrument of music in worship
and as an accompaniment to singing praises is both unscriptural and anti-
criptural. It is an innovation and an addition made by man that is not
authorized by God in the New Testament. It is something man has added
to God’s established pattern of worship revealed in the New Testament.
According to scripture that is forbidden. Listen to what the scriptures say about this. Paul gives instruction to the church at Corinth, listen to what he says in 1 Cor. 4:16?17, “Therefore I urge you, imitate me (Follow my instructions and example). For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, (My ways means my inspired teaching, doctrine and example of worshiping and serving God. And I’ve sent Timothy to show you and teach you how to do it.) as I teach everywhere in every church.” (Paul taught the same doctrine and pattern of how to become a Christian and how to worship God acceptably and he taught exactly the same thing in every church) There was an established pattern that was to be followed. Man was never given the liberty to change it an any way.
The same prohibition was placed on people in the Old Testament. The prophet Balaam stated in Num. 24:13, “I can not go beyond the word of the LORD, to do good or bad of my own will.” When God gave Moses instructions about the Tabernacle and how Israel was to worship God in Ex. 25:40, God told Moses, “See to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.”
That’s exactly what Paul is trying to get us to understand. Paul taught the same thing in every church. Why? To teach us to do things God’s way and not our own way. Our purpose is to please God and not ourselves.

In 1 Cor. 4:6, “...Learn from us, not to go beyond what is written.” Live by God’s word and don’t go beyond what it says. Don’t add to it or take away from it. God is looking for truth seekers. What are truth seekers? People who will seek and worship God the way He wants to be sought and worshiped.
When Jesus walked on the earth, men worshiped God in many ways. The Samaritans worshiped on the mount of Horeb and worshiped only according to the Pentateuch. The Jews worshiped in Jerusalem, some according to the Old Testament and some according to their own man-made traditions. Only a few worshiped God according to the Law of Moses.
The Samaritan woman at the well asked Jesus a question about this in
Jno. 4:20?25, “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews
say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship." Jesus
said to her, "Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will
neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You
worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation
is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is
seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him
must worship in spirit and truth."
God is seeking True Worshipers. A True Worshiper is defined as one who worships God in spirit and truth. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and Truth? To offer God spiritual worship according to the truth. Is that a fair statement?
(3) How do you define what is truth? Jesus said, in Jno. 8:31?32, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jno. 17:17, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” Notice what these two scriptures teach us about worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.
(1) Where do we learn the truth about who God is and how He wants to be worshiped? In God’s Word. What is the truth that teaches us how to be sanctified? God’s Word. What are we to abide in so we can be sanctified and be Christ’s disciples? God’s Word. Anything other than God’s Word is a lie and cannot sanctify or teach anyone any truth about God.
(2) Where do you learn how to be a true worshiper who worships God in spirit and truth? In God’s Word. That’s why Paul says, in Rom 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” I learn what to believe about God and how to worship God by studying God’s Word and that is called, “Worshiping God in spirit and in truth.” That is the kind of worship God wants, the kind of worship God is looking for. And that’s the only kind of worship God accepts. We dare not offer God anything less.
(3) By studying God’s Word we learn the truth about God and how to worship God the way God wants to be worshiped. God’s Word, which is truth, creates faith in God that causes us to become true worshipers who worship God in spirit and in truth. That will create in us obedient faith and obedient faith does what God asks. Can you worship God with instrumental music and have obedient faith? Where does God ask us to worship Him with instruments? That’s the question we will answer in this study in the next couple of weeks.
(4) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 05/19/2002 am