Identifying The New Testament Church #9

God’s pattern includes a Plan of Salvation. In this study I need to ask you this question: “What does your church teach in terms of how to become a Christian?” I can tell you this, if it does not teach exactly what the Bible teaches, there is no way it can be identified as a church of the New Testament.
(2) The apostles and other inspired teachers of the first century, went forth proclaiming the basic facts of the gospel. The first thing they did was to instilled within people the need to believe the basic facts concerning Jesus Christ. While teaching at the temple Jesus spoke these words, Jno. 8:21-24. That’s plain and simple. The only way you can misunderstand that is to do it on purpose.
a. Did you know there is a church in Lubbock called the “Universalist Unitarian Church.” And it claims to be a “Christian” Church. But, did you also know that you do not have to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God to be a member? You do not have to believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. You don’t have to believe that he performed the miracles attributed to him in the New Testament record. You do not have to believe that He was raised from the dead.
(1) How in the world could that be a New Testament church? It could not be. And that’s why Jesus said, in Matt. 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”
(1) That’s what we’ve been talking about in this series of lessons. Not everybody who
claims to be a Christian is a Christian. Not everyone who thinks he’s a Christian
is a Christian. Because not everybody who claims to be a Christian has
become a Christian the way God, in this Bible, tells them to become a
Christian. And they certainly are not worshiping God the way God wants to be
worshiped. They worship God in every way, except in spirit and in truth.
When Jesus was ready to establish His Church He called His apostles together and gave them this command, Matt. 28:18-20. Then at Jerusalem they preached that first Gospel message. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to solve man’s sin problem and restore him to fellowship with God. You can read it in Acts 2:1-47. Vs. 37, It says, Those, who heard that message, believed it and wanted to be right with God, asked a question, “What must we do?”
Peter responded, first of all, that they needed to repent. Repentance is a change of your mind, a change of your attitude, caused by sorrow for sin
which subsequently results in a change of your conduct . Paul described it
this way in 2 Cor. 7:10. It demands that whatever you are doing that is sinful,
you must stop that, turn around, and reform your life.
To become a New Testament Christian you acknowledged your faith by confessing your belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Rom. 10:9?10; 1 Tim. 6:13.
When they had heard the Gospel message, Believed that message, had repented of their sin, they confessed their sin and proclaimed their belief that Jesus could save them from their sin they were told to be immersed to have those sins washed away.
Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, 1 Pet. 3:20-21. We are commanded to be baptized
Baptism is not sprinkling with water, It is immersion in water and we’ll talk
about that starting next week. We will do a complete research study that will

take a couple of weeks or more.
(3) Many denominations practice the sprinkling of water upon babies. That practice falls short on two points. First, baptism means immersion, both Rom. 6:3?4; Col. 2:12, describe baptism as a burial in water, not a sprinkling with water.
(1) Second, babies do not need baptism for forgiveness of sins, because they are pure, not having reached a level of personal accountability, Matt. 18:1-4.
(1) Do you belong to a church that baptizes infants? Do you belong to a body of people that sprinkles water on people and refers to it as baptism? Do you belong to religious group that teaches that you are saved at the point of faith and therefore, you need only be baptized to become a member of that church? Nearly all of my ancestors believed and taught those ideas. But they were wrong about such matters.
(2) We need to understand that the Bible teaches that one is to be immersed “FOR” the forgiveness of sins. If one does not need to understand the purpose of baptism, why is the purpose stated in the passage? The
apostle could simply have said, “repent ye and be baptized.” And not have
said another word. That would have settled that issue. The purpose of
baptism then would be irrelevant. But no, the apostle did not do that.
Instead he commanded, in, Acts 2:38, “Repent and be immersed for the
forgiveness of your sins.” The New Testament prophet Ananias told Saul of
Tarsus, in Acts 22:16, “Arise, and be immersed, and wash away your sins,
calling on the Lord’s name.” Why would you want to be a member of a church that teaches something different?
(2) When you come to God you need to learn, from God’s Word, the divine pattern He has given. Find, believe and obey the Bible pattern, the Divine ideal God has left us in His Holy Word.
(1) If what you believe and practice is not in this Book honor God by turning away from it. Hold up God and His Word as the only truth that brings salvation to men’s souls. Believe it, obey it and you’ll become a saved New Testament Christian.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 06/23/2002 am