The Establishment of the Church of Christ #1

A. The “church” of Jesus Christ, is a unique entity. There is nothing on earth like it. It’s pristine
integrity must be preserved, and valued by every genuine Christian of the modern world.
The church is a body of baptized believers who have been called – through the gospel,
into a special relationship with God, 2 Thess 2:14. And it shares a bond with the workings
of Jehovah throughout the history of the Old Testament. That’s why we find a special parallel
in the literature of the Old Testament.
In the O.T. The Lord’s people were designated as “Israel” and now the Church is called the “new Israel of God.” In the O.T. the Lord’s people were “the called out.” They were the congregation of the Lords people, Acts 7:38. In the same way The Church is God’s
ekklesia. That word ekklesia means “Those who are called out,” Gal. 6:16; Rom. 2:28?29.
(A) Under the Law of Moses Israel was called the House of God, Isa. 2:2. In Eph. 2:19;
1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 4:17 the church is called “the house of God.” That makes the
New Testament church a distinct body of people. They are characterized by new,
fresh, unencumbered, practices, rituals that are different from the Mosaic
dispensation, Heb. 9:10.
(1) The church – was not an afterthought. The church was in the mind of God before the
foundation of the world, Eph. 1:4. Paul tells us the manifold wisdom of God is
made known “through the church,” according to the “eternal purpose.” It was literally,
the plan of the ages which was realized in the mission of Christ Eph. 3:10?11.
(a) The church was foretold in prophecy. Many Hebrew Prophets spoke about
the establishment of the church of Christ. In Matt. 16:18-19, Jesus
prophetically announced His kingdom. Dan. 2:44, prophesied it would be
established during the Roman Empire.
In prophecy this time is biblically designated as “The latter days,” in Isa. 2:2-4; Joel 2:28-32. Then it is pronounced by the apostle Peter in Acts 2:14-24, as being the beginning of the New Testament Kingdom of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
The prophet Isaiah in Isa. 2:2, foretold that the house of God (which Paul calls the church of God in 1 Tim. 3:15) would begin in Jerusalem.
Isa. 2:2, also prophesied that the church would be international in scope. He said, “all nations would flow unto it.”
Guess what? These prophecies were fulfilled with flawless precision.
(2) The evidence is quite conclusive. “Jehovah’s house” was to be “established” in “the last days” Isa. 2:2. In Acts 2:14-24, Peter identified the events of Pentecost as “this is that which hath been spoken through the prophet Joel” (vs. 16). Joel had foretold the outpouring of the Spirit in “the last days” Joel 2:28?30. Later, Peter would again allude to the events of Pentecost, identifying that day as “the beginning” Acts 11:15.
(1) This phrase “The beginning,” alluded to by the apostle Peter, was the first
Pentecost after Christ’s resurrection which was “the birth of the church.” This was the beginning of the New Testament Messianic Kingdom.
(1) Not only that, Jesus had declared that the “kingdom” was about to come (The kingdom and the church being the same thing ? Matt. 16:18?19). He said the church would come with “power,” Mk. 9:1.

(2) Later in Acts 1:8, He affirmed that the “power” would be received when the “Spirit” was poured out.” Since the “Spirit” was given on that “Pentecost” In Acts 2:4, We know that the church was established that day. According to Acts 20:28, we know that the church was not established until after the death of Jesus. It says the church was “purchased” with the blood of Jesus. He shed His blood and died to make that possible.
(2) Paul would confirm that by saying, “...the household of God” was erected upon the teaching of the apostles and prophets, and that Christ Jesus himself was the chief corner stone“ Eph. 2:19?20. It began in Jerusalem and as Jesus said in, Acts 1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." And then He ascended up into heaven.
(1) Luke 24:45?49.
(2) It began in Jerusalem and spread to the utter most parts of the world. It was to be universal in scope. All nations were to be granted access to this sacred domain. Eph. 2:11-12, states that Heaven’s plan was that both Jews and Gentiles be united in that “one body.”
(3) The establishment of the church was a Divine event — The Christian movement was not a religious system that gradually evolved out of the cultural elements of the an antique religion. It had a dramatic beginning point. Prior to the spring of A.D. 30, the church of Jesus Christ did not exist. It exploded into existence on a single day of earth’s history.
(1) It was so Divinely inspired and empowered it spread like wild fire all over the world and still to this very day brings to a lost world the only hope of salvation and resurrection from the grave.” Acts 4:12 stated 2000 years ago, “There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." And from that day to this, that is still true.
(2) 2000 years ago Jesus said, in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
(3) Acts 20:32.

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