Character Crisis

A. It took 50 years for my character to catch up to my abilities. Why? Well, much of that
remains a mystery. But I think I have identified a key factor:
My abilities are a gift from God but my character was not always what it should have been. and that was because of my selfish and stupid choices. My character is a choice. Therefore, you could accurately say, “My choices were based on the desires of a faulty character.” That means the choices I made were not the fault of God through His Word and it was not the fault of the mentoring of my fellow Christians who were trying to help me make the right choices in life.
a. The great turning point in my life came when, God through His word, finally got me to
understand...There are certain thing you cannot do until your character is ready.
(A) I think it’s best defined in one word...Motivation. I didn’t want the plans of God
for me to be limited in my life because I lacked the capacity to receive them. I
used to think there was nothing I could not accomplish.
I have always had a deep desire for the fullest potential of my life to be realized. As an achiever, I’ve always been able to be successful, to a great degree, by my own efforts and stubborn resolve. I have always been able to achieve, by my own efforts and stubborn resolve, anything I desired. My attitude was, “I simply would not be denied.”
2. And because of that, Some of my greatest failures have been as a Christian. Because I would not let go and let God give me the victories I desired as His child.
(1) When you’re so full of self that you begin to trust in your own abilities and cunning, it won’t be long until you forget the power of God in your life. That’s when you really begin to live the worst lie of all. That’s when you make the worst mistakes and your failures are the bitterest.
(2) Never forget that God has a plan for your life about which you may not be aware. How are you going to be and do what God has in store for you, when you are running the show instead of God?
(1) Why not just let go and let God? Only God can give you true life beyond your wildest dreams.
(2) 1 Cor 2:9, reminds us that there are, "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him." God, in His love and blessing, can give you far more than you can get by your own human efforts. And until you let go and let God, you’ll always be blinded by your own self deceit and live under the delusion of your own supposed greatness.
(3) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 06/02/2002 pm