Rev. 3:11-13

If he can, the devil would like to hinder the gospel from being spread ? 1 Thess. 2:18.
He is intelligent enough to be very subtle and shrewd in his attempt to obstruct our progress in the Lord’s work. Cf. Gen. 3:1; 2 Cor. 11:3.
a. The result is that we may attend to certain of the devil’s “diversionary tactics” — all the while
overlooking some of the things that are really holding us back.
(A) There are some challenges that any congregation of Christians must meet in order to
serve the Lord faithfully.
A congregation must remember what it’s work is ...Sowing the Seed.
It requires constant discipline to stick to our work and let the Lord do His. Jer. 7:27; Ezek. 2:7.
It is our work to “plant” and “water”; it is the Lord’s work to give the “increase” 1 Cor. 3:6.
Ultimately, the Lord will want to know not how many people we baptized, but how many people were left in our community that we never confronted with the gospel.
We are constantly tempted to bypass the work of seed?sowing or to believe that we are doing “enough” — we must resist both of these temptations.
We need to be a congregation from which the gospel “sounds forth” 1 Thess. 1:8.
That will require on the part of every member. Living above pettiness.
(B) To be successful every Congregation must live above pettiness
It requires constant discipline to keep away from “itsy?bitsy thinking.” Pygmy soul people will destroy all the good efforts of an entire congregation.
Selfishness, gossip, and factionalism are the bane of the Lord’s work in many places. Phil. 2:3,4; 4:2.
Nothing does that like every member having a sense of proportion and priorities. It is disastrous to “major in minors.”
We must be able to see the largeness and importance of the work we are doing in comparison to our own personal concerns - e.g. Phil. 1:12?18!
What the Lord’s work is about is co?operation ? Phil. 1:27. The emphasis is on “together” in Eph. 2:19?22; 4:16.
b. A congregation has to believe it can make a difference in it’s community.
It requires constant discipline to be confident we can bring about significant changes for good where we live.
Without some hope (desire + expectation), our work will cease altogether.
When Christ sets before us an “open door” (Rev. 3:8), no one can shut it.
We simply must keep in mind that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world ? 1 Jno. 4:4.
A congregation must maintain gratitude for it’s blessings.
(1) It requires constant discipline to emphasize the positive rather than the negative aspects of our congregational situation.
(2) Few congregations have had more problems than Corinth — yet there were still things to be thankful for ? 1 Cor. 1:4?9.
(1) A scriptural congregation is a thankful congregation ? Col. 3:17.
(1) Develop an attitude of gratitude because they met their challenges successfully.

(1) That’s why we must be determined to meet all challenges victoriously.
(2) 1 Cor. 10:13, says, “God always provides a way of escape” for every temptation and sin.” That’s true of both individuals and congregations.
(2) That only happens when we are honesty enough to see temptation, see the problem for what it is, and arm ourselves against it, Eph. 6:10-11.
(1) Have to be vigilent, committed, to meet every task before us.
(2) That means you are going to have to make some sacrifices. Put God first.
(3) What ever you do, don’t let the devil rob you of your salvation.
(1) Meet the challenges in the strength of God and God will provide victory!
(2) Acts 20:32.

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