Book of Jude #3

Jude 3-4. Jesus has established His eternal kingdom. He offered Himself as the one time for all time sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the eternal Passover Lamb of God whose blood has been shed for the remission of sins. And with that blood has established the only means of reconciliation between God and man.
1. Satan knows that the end is near and his defeat and doom are eminent. He unleashed the full force of Hells fury upon the Church, which is the only means of salvation for mankind. Satan is doomed and he is determined to take, with him, as many of God’s most precious creation as possible. He has launched a full force attack against God’s precious church and that attack continues even to this day. These are the end times, these are the perilous times in which you and I live. Believe it, because It’s real. Satan is alive and well in Spur, Texas today.
1. Paul reminds us, we are engaged in the most important battle of our life, 2 Cor. 10:3?7. Warfare is raging in this universe for the control of the hearts, minds and souls of the people in this world.
(A) That’s what Peter is talking about in 1 Pet. 5:8?9.
(1) The only way you can defend your self, the only way you can keep from being devoured is to stand steadfast in The Faith and that’s why Jude tells us to “CONTEND for The Faith.”
(2) You Loose your faith, Corrupt your faith, Abandon your faith and you will loose your soul.
. (B) Paul (Like a Great General) gives a command to a Christian Soldier in 1 Tim. 1:18?20. We are at war with the forces of evil. How do we win? By contending for the faith. By studying and believing God’s Word you have a good conscience by obeying, Living that
Word in your life. Some people in the church had rejected THE FAITH once and for all
delivered to the saints. And what was the result? They made shipwreck of the faith and lost their souls to Satan.
(1) 1 John 3:8?9. The work of Satan is to divide and destroy the Church. In Eph. 2:1-3
Paul describes people like Hymenaeus and Alexander as the sons of disobedience
and children of the Devil.
(1) Do you know why the religious leaders opposed Jesus so strongly? Because they were not what they presented themselves to be. They were Living a lie.
(2) John 8:43?47. God’s people thought these men to be righteous and trustworthy and so they followed after them. Guess what? They were wrong and were led away from God instead of being led to God.
(2) They appeared to be men of God but they were just the opposite. In reality they
were Children of Satan. Wolves in Sheep’s clothing.
(3) Jesus gave stern warnings about men like this. Matt. 7:15?23.
(4) 2 Pet. 2:12?17.
b. Remember, Jude writes at a time when all the apostles are gone and Satan is using people
who are controlled and motivated by carnal, selfish desires to trash the Church.
They are bringing false doctrines and division into the Church in an attempt to destroy it.
(3) Jude sounds the alarm “Contend earnestly for the Faith which has once and for all time been delivered to the saints.”
(4) Jude 1:3?4.
That’s our task. That’s our charge. We are to keep ourselves and the faith pure in Jesus.
(5) A warning against false teachers and false doctrine.

(6) Know the difference between that which is from Satan and that which is from God.
2. 1 John 4:1?6.
a. Today, Sunday, March 18, 2001, the church is under assault from without and from within.
b. We are the pillar and Support of the Truth, Guardians of The Faith, 1 Tim. 3:15.
(1) Our task is defined in Phil. 2:15?16.
(2) Acts 20:32.

Spur - 3/18/2001 am