1. We are people who need to hear God's Word and be reminded of the good things we have in
a. Every day we face problems for which we need answers.
We are racing toward eternity and we need to be prepared.
Reminded that we have a profound but simple message for the world.
(1) Reminded of how powerful this message is and what it can do.
(2) It will provide answers and healing for our hurts and lives.
b. ROM.1:14-17.
(1) Here is a message for everyone no matter who you are.
(3) When it comes to salvation this message is for everybody.
(2) Regardless of your place in society you need the salvation message of the gospel.
(3) Here's a message everyone can relate to. It speaks to our common problem.
(B) God's Word is the seed that gives new Life, hope, direction.
(A) Seed is important. It's primary purpose is to give life.
(1) Oak tree in my yard received it's life from a seed.
(2) I can plant a leaf, a branch or some bark and it will not grow.
(3) If I plant an acorn seed and nurture and it will grow.
(B) The Gospel is like that in regard to the rest of God's Word.
(1) All of God's Word is important, true, inspired, needful.
(a) There is also a seed. A place for beginning new Life.
(1) That seed is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(2) Sprouts, Grows and produces leaves. The leaves are essential to it's life.
(a) Through Photosenthysis the tree receives nourishment. It is fed.
(b) Branches enable the tree to hold the fruit and seed.
(3) Bark protects the tree from viruses and insects.
2. God's Word is like that. It has many parts. Each part is important.
a. Every part is vital, necessary for our spiritual growth.
(A) But the most important part is the SEED, the Gospel.
(1) The Gospel seed enables the process of reproduction.
(2) Why preach the Gospel to Christians? The bark, branches, leaves don't need seed. Why the seed message?
(B) Paul thought it was not only appropiate, but necessary.
(1) VS.15. "I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome." He is talking to Christians. The Tree in Rome.
(a) We need to be reminded of that message and the central importance it has to our lives.
(b) Reminder that we have a message to share with the world.
(2) I COR.15:1-2; VS.3-4. The Gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
(a) There is great value in sharing that message.
(b) Also great value in reading and hearing that message so we will be constantly
reminded of who we are and what we have in Jesus.
(3) That's Paul's message in PHILE. 6.
(a) By learning, knowing and sharing the Gospel (Seed).
(b) You are able to understand more profoundly what God has done for you in Christ Jesus. And by that you become stronger.

b. It's a simple message. Christ and Him crucified for your sin.
(A) 1 COR.2:1-5.

(1) The power is in the Gospel. Not in our ability to present it eloquently.
(a) Not in our ability to present it persuasively.
(b) Why does it not depend on those things?
(c) So our faith does not rest in, rely on man's ability.
(2) You don't have to be a genius, eloquent, skilled speaker, persuasive to teach someone else the Gospel.
(a) Give you a scripture chain. You can read the Scriptures to them and let God's Word and God's power do what God said it would.
(b) The power is not in us. The power is in the message.
(4) The message is so simple a child can understand. Yet so profound it is beyond the ability of the greatest human mind to understand it without divine help.
(B) 1 COR.2:6-10. You can't understand it unless God opens it up to you. Unless you really want it, you won't receive it and you won’t understand it.
(1) If you're not spiritually sensative, Intellectually honest God's not going to open it up to you. MATT.7:6. You don't chase them down, begging them to obey it.
(2) All God asks you to do is plant the seed. If the soil is good and receptive God will give the increase.
(a) We'll continue this lesson next week.
(b) ACTS 20:32.

Spur - 3/18/2001 pm