A Message From God’s Heart To Our Heart #4

A. Last Week We Discussed The Struggle With sin Through The Eyes Of The Apostle Paul.
1. He helped us understand our struggle with sin when we try to deal with our sin by the process of works, law keeping, ritual observing.
a. ROM.7:14-18.
(A) Man cannot save himself. That struggle ends in frustration and defeat.
(B) JER.31:31-34. We have a New Covenant of salvation and grace through Faith. God does what we cannot do. He cleanses from all sin.
b. There are three kinds of sin. Commission, Omission and Permission.
Sin comes as the result of choice. Children not held accountable.
2. Now lets talk about the problem of sin, ROM.7:10-13.
a. That tells us sin is a UNIVERSAL PROBLEM. You may not feel you are all that sinful and doubt your need for the cleansing of Christ's blood.
(A) That's not what God's Word says, ROM.3:23.
(1) GAL.3:22. That's what God says about mankind. That’s everybody.
1 JNO.1:8-10.
(2) Now who is telling the truth? You or God?
(a) God says, If you're not a Christian you are lost in your sin.
(b) If you deny you sin you're a liar, and you are calling God a liar.
(c) What's the most popular way of calling God a liar? By refusing to do what God tells you to do to solve your sin problem.
(d) God's lying. It's not that bad. It’s Not that important.
(B) SIN IS DECEPTIVE and It's easy to sin. Sin is all around us. It is universal.
(1) Sin is very, very deceptive. What May not look like sin sometimes is sin.
(a) PROV.14:12.
(b) How many times have you seen people and governments make decisions they thought were ok. But when you look into the face of God you know they are wrong and it will end in death.
(2) What happen when Hawaii declares that Homosexual marriage is right?
(a) Allow queers and lesbians to legitimize their aberrant life style.
Isn't that the good thing to do, the right thing to do?
b. God's word says this law that sounds so good, kind, caring, compassionate toward those people and their lifestyle will end in DEATH.
(A) Our legislators, our government says, "Ok to murder unborn child."
(B) What's the reality? What is the truth of the matter?
(1) Such practices will end in the death of a lot of people. It will end in the death of a nation of people who embrace, encourage sin of any kind.
(2) Satan will use every means possible to make sin look good.
c. TIT.3:13. What's that saying?
(A) That's Paul's reminder to Christians. That's how you used to be. But you are not like
that way any more.
(B) Sometimes we need to be reminded of how we used to be. How we treated sin lightly.
How we were fooled by sin and accepted sin as good and ok.
(C) HEB.3:13.

B. Don’t Fall Into The Trap Of Accepting The World’s Definition Of Sin. Of right and wrong.
1. It's so easy to fall into that deadly trap. And if you do, it will kill you.
a. Fornication is just a pre-marital relationship. How could that be bad?
(A) It’s not really adultery. We’re just having an affair. It will make our marriage better.
(B) Homosexuality not abnormal. It’s just an alternative lifestyle.
(1) An embezzle is not a thief. He’s just guilty of a little white color crime.
(2) Abortion is not murder. It’s just an alternative method of birth control.
b. Soften the blow to deny the truth that cuts or bruises the conscience.
(A) Go to any extreme to salve the conscience to allow us to do what we want.
(1) That's always been the heathen way. The lifestyle of the non-Christian.
(2) But, it's still a lie. And isn't that Satan's way. JNO.8:44.
(B) The world wants to desensitize you to sin so you can sin and make self feel good.
(1) Be on you guard. Don't become desensitized to sin.
(2) 1 TIM.4:2.
(a) Fry cook. Seared nerve endings and not feel pain.
(b) A seared conscience is a destroyed conscience. Not feel or recognize sin.
(3) What's the final result of that? EPH.4:19. That's the world we live in. They want
you to be just like them.
(4) AX.28:27.
(a) Who is he talking about? God's people who have become desensitized to sin.
(b) And they have chosen to accept the world's definition of sin. And they Fell away.
2. But as Powerful as sin is, God has provided the ONLY solution.
a. God's answer to the sin problem is more powerful than Satan or sin.
(1) Jesus is the answer. Jesus is God's provision for sin. You can't save yourself but God
can and will save you through Jesus.
(B) AX.20:32.

Spur - 4/15/2001